Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Predicting The Future

Many people ask me about predictions, and because I have little experience in this area (and because I can never turn down a challenge) I thought to myself: I can do that.

I mean really, how hard can it be? I already make individual "predictions" for my clients -- what's so different about doing it for the world in general?

My friends suggested I try it in the privacy of my own living room first, but I know that people who follow this blog want to know what I'm doing and how I'm doing it. I don't make any secret of the fact that psychic ability is a skill, not a magic gift, whose challenges I have to hide from the public so everyone thinks I was just born knowing this stuff.

So I posted my first set of predictions on my website (and forgot to post them here -- maybe in some way I AM nervous about putting myself out there!)

It wasn't very comfortable getting to the predictions because I felt like a damn idiot sitting in my meditation on my couch and casting around for things. Predicting is HARD! Without anything in particular to focus on, I had no idea whether what was coming into my head was just shit I was making up or I was really dipping into the likely future of the planet.

And let me tell you, there are a LOT of subjects out there to predict. My conscious mind got all in the way, because while I was waiting for information (well, you tell me!) I was thinking, "Maybe I should think about a country. What about Spain? What's going to happen in Spain this week?" And I got... nothin'.

Okay, so Spain will just be business as usual. And so it went. The environment? The economy? Do I really need to be a psychic to predict which way those things are going?

I knew I wanted to stay away from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; I wanted to stay away from tsunamis and mega-volcanoes and genocide. I guess I want emotionally-neutral predictions to start with. And God forbid I make a prediction that is negative regarding the United States or the President -- I'll be in Gitmo with every other suspected terrorist.

So I finally took my own advice and just went with what was coming to me. Here were my predictions for the week of 8/22/10:

1. Fire on an oil rig in the Gulf
2. A solar flare or a super nova event
3. The passing of a Latin American leader
4. A very severe storm affecting the coast of Connecticut at the end of September (this one doesn't really count. I made this prediction in 2005 but since it's a pretty sure thing in my mind I threw it in so I wouldn't be a total failure if nothing else happened).

1. Fire on an oil rig in the Gulf
September 02, 2010|By Richard Fausset and Bettina Boxall, Los Angeles Times, Gerald Herbert / Associated Press: Reporting from Atlanta and Los Angeles — The opening scene was all too familiar. Black smoke rising from a burning oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico and workers plucked from the sea. But Thursday's fire on an oil production facility 100 miles off the Louisiana coast appears to have ended without disaster. None of the 13 workers on board the platform was injured. The Coast Guard found no evidence of an oil leak, and by Thursday afternoon the fire was out.

-- I can see I have to work a little more on getting the timing down, as I was one week late with this prediction --

2. A solar flare or a super nova event
URORA AUSTRALIS: Earth is exiting a solar wind stream that has been causing bright auroras around the poles--both poles. "The tail end of the solar wind stream produced a nice outburst on Aug. 27th," says Zupanc. "Despite having to contend with a nearly full Moon, the auroras were easy to see."

-- Not exactly on target, but close. I need to be more specific with my predictions --

3. The passing of a Latin American leader
Mexican authorities announced on Friday (8/28) that six police officers had been arrested on suspicion of participation in the kidnap and murder of Edelmiro Cavazos, mayor of the town of Santiago in the north-eastern state of Nuevo León. Some of the officers are accused of having kept watch to ensure no other law enforcement officials witnessed the kidnap, which took place at Cavazos’ home on Sunday evening, while others are accused of direct participation in the crime. Among those detained are individuals who had been on duty guarding the mayor’s house at the time of his kidnapping, and all six arrestees have confessed their guilt. Cavazos was found dead on a rural stretch of highway three days after being sequestered. At least four other people are suspected of involvement in the crime.

-- Close, but not specific enough; I need to offer more details -- for instance, I need to say the leader was murdered, not just "passed." --

4. A very severe storm affecting the coast of Connecticut at the end of September.

-- Stay tuned. And if you live in Connecticut, bring in your lawn furniture. I'm not kidding! --

Not bad overall, but I can see that I need to be more specific, more confident, and more timely. I decided instead of weekly, I'm going to make monthly predictions. Instead of just sitting on my meditation couch, I decided to take a page from Edgar Cayce's book and recline, go into a "sleep" and just start talking. I don't have a faithful secretary to record my words, so I held onto my little MP3 recorder.

I won't lie to you, I still felt silly, and I'm not sure I reached any deeper trance than I had before. But I counted UP instead of down, so that I would feel in my imagination that I was ascending to a place where I would have an overview of things. I asked for my guides to meet me there -- the Gentleman did but I didn't recognize anyone else -- and then I just said, show me what I should share to develop this skill and to help people who want to do the same. Ideas came to me and I spoke out loud into my recorder. The ideas were not profound, not brilliant, not "different" feeling than other thoughts, but I know enough to say them if they pop into my awareness.

So here are my predictions for the month of September, 2010:

1. Something of George Washington's or some new discovery about George Washington will surface. A letter by or a painting of him that hasn't been known about will come to light from a private individual.
2. A new kind of dinosaur bone will be discovered, something large and carnivorous like a T-Rex but a different species. This will be found in a landscape like a high desert; it is sandy, wide-open, some shale-y or sandstone kind of rock, but not flat.
3. A royal family in one of the Scandanavian countries -- I feel it is Norway -- will be making an announcement that is a cause for celebration, such as a wedding or engagement. It will bring the royal family back into the public in an adoring or romantic kind of way.
4. A species of bat will either go extinct (the last one in captivity) or a bat from a species that was thought extinct will re-emerge.
5. A native community in southern Alaska or northern Washington will come into the public eye over a territory dispute with the U.S. Government. Something like a totem pole will be at the center of this dispute or will represent the cause of the native people.
6. Reverend Sun Yung Moon and/or his church will be in the news this month because of a very large gathering or a group wedding.
7. A cross on a church in the south of the United States will burn or topple. I feel this is metaphorical rather than literal.
8. A very bad storm will hit the New England coast at the end of September, causing a great deal of damage to homes especially on the Connecticut coast.

I know I don't mention specific dates, but that's a refinement I choose to develop after I get the skill itself down. I believe that may be of more value than something like, say, "I feel that on September 28th something very exciting will happen in the US." I'd rather get the "something exciting" correct and work on specific dates later.

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Something exciting is better than a date.... something ALWAYS happens on any given day, and it might be exciting to one person and not to another.

    Either way, I find it exciting to watch you develop this new skill!

    ~ Cate (from Opal Moon)
