Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Channelling Transcript #2

Amazing things are happening. Last night on my radio show ( I found myself verbally channeling guidance for one of the callers.

I distinguish that feeling from a regular psychic impression because it came not so much in the form of an impression that I had to interpret, but as something more like ADVICE, which I am never ethically allowed to do as a psychic. I found myself telling a caller, after sharing my psychic impressions with her about a past love relationship, that if she wanted to break through an old pattern or habit with him she needed to reconnect with him. It was slightly more complex than that, but all I can say is that I became aware, during the mini-reading I was giving her on the air, that a different "flavor" of information was coming through, and I felt strongly compelled to pass it on to her.

I believe that's come as a result of my practicing channeling. I'm not practicing every day, but a couple of times a week. I'm still expecting a big feeling of some sort, or something dramatic, which I haven't yet experienced. What can I say: I'm a skeptic and I need convincing!

Following is a transcript of the second verbal channeling session I did a couple of weeks ago. I was asking specifically about channeling for other people. I always had this idea that I could really help people by offering a service called (something like) "Your Life in Perspective in 20 Minutes," during which time I'd help people see their situations in a new way. Psychologists call it re-framing, and if done successfully can really give a person a whole new empowerment as they see and begin to experience their "problem" or relationship in a different, more productive way. So that's what I was asking about and intending answers to as I went into my channeling meditation.

Now you are to listen. You are to write and paint. It is good that you have covered your head. You ask us about reading us for other people. These are the questions, these are the answers. We will help you help people see themselves as they are now: see what is the shadow side and see what is the light. As they are able to look at themselves they will be able to see that they can create and make choices from one moment to the next. We will speak through you and help them to see what exactly they are doing at this time. We will hold up a mirror for them. We will help you reframe information and repeat back to the people in a way in which they understand that they have a choice. We will help you show people that they are all choices. We will guide you at the time. Put out this information. The right people will come to you who need our guidance. We will help you determine if they are open to our guidance or not. Maintain a prayerful attitude! This seems like secret knowledge but it is not! Not everyone wants to see themselves. I will show you yourself through the people you read. You were told to begin with a plant (I hadn’t yet done that). Call for me. You will feel in your stomach the butterflies feeling first; you will feel numbness and tingling in your jaw, you will salivate a lot. Wait until you feel me step into your energy. You will feel the palms of my hands on the backs of yours. I will move them. I will conduct energy down through them. You are an instrument in that way. That is all.

(I turned the tape off and then back on because I wanted more answers about my healing practice): You are healing in the future. We have already told you this. June is a big month for you. Continue to practice. Get the feel on your plants. When WE decide you are ready, WE will send the people to you. You will save a life in June, if you practice with us.

And that was the end of that transcript. I'm reminded as I write this though, that spirit people often channel into me during Message Circles. Last Monday night one of the people in our Circle said she recognized a friend of hers in spirit coming through, but became totally convinced it was her when I began to gesture with my hands in the exact way she had done before she passed. I don't recall gesturing at all, though I often talk with my hands. Perhaps that was a form of "unconscious channeling."

Next post: I have been pursuing answers to a personal issue for a long time, and when I channeled last I asked for guidance on this relationship. When that is transcribed, it's up on the blog!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Channelling Transcript

On February 10 I did my regular meditation as channelling practice, and decided to verbalize what I was getting and record it, rather than attempt automatic writing again. My brain just gets in the way of that. I wrote down a few questions and set the intention to ask for the answers. In my meditation I achieved a comfortable state of mind, pushed "record" and what follows is a transcript of that channelling session. What appears in italics in parentheses are the questions that popped into my mind while my guide was speaking. I mean, while I was speaking out loud. You know what I mean.

Q: Is hands-on healing work a part of my future? Will I channel healing or do it another way, using a technique?

A: (indistinguishable). I will stand behind you and put my hands over yours. With the palms of my hands covering yours; my hands rest on top of yours.

I will cover your eyes. Prepare yourself for hands on healing with meditation. Continue to practice channelling. Practice the energy on your pets and on your plants. Get the feel of my hands over yours, imagine that I’m standing behind you (my voice gets very scratchy and sounding really odd here) and I am moving your hands. The palms of my hands on the back of your hands and I will move your hands and I will direct energy down through you.

You will heal the eyes. You will heal the heart, (emotions?) physical heart. Go to your plants. Get the feel of how it is to stand with me behind you. I will stand behind you; extend your arms and I will extend mine over yours and will push down through the tops of your hands the healing energy. You must be comfortable with standing. It is necessary to be in the right space of mind before each healing session. You must call me and ask for me and I will come. You must come through this door [that I visualized] and you must call for me and ask for me and wait for me to stand behind you. You must not talk during the session nor hear talking from the people on the table. You must imagine simply me. I will direct your hands. You need not know what is happening with the people. If you become aware of things you must say them afterwards. You will heal breasts, and lungs, and spine.

Q: How can I be free from my old beliefs and needs?

A: You will be free of your own beliefs through illness. (what?!) Yes, you will experience illness, you will recover. You must learn to love your body and all that goes wrong with it, to truly identify. There is the shadow side, there is a false side that you must also recognize and embrace. You will work with the medical establishment in your own healing and in the healing of others. You will use the energy rising like kundalini from the bottom of your spine. You must only practice the technique I tell you. You must only worry about feeling me, don’t concern with feeling the patient. The energy is there that you may feel if you choose to, but concentrate on feeling me and feeling me. I will do the work, you need not understand. focus your attention on feeling me. You will heal yourself. Take the time to associate first with your body, and when you learn to dissociate from your body you will then be able to recognize that your emotions and old beliefs are simply part of your body. You embrace them first and heal from them and then you are dissociated from them. (I don’t get it) It doesn’t matter. You will be known for your healing.

Q: Will you help me to finish my Live & Learn Guide books and will they be useful to the world?

A: The writing is important. We will help you. But still discipline is required from you. Ask for help. Ask for help every day when sitting down. This will make it easier.

Q: Shall I also use a channel for mediumship?

A: There will be a different guide to help you channel mediumship. You must call for a different guide, the one who looks like a lion. (what’s he called?) Lyon. (Leon?) Zahamxe is my name. You must call for Leon/Lyon.

Q: What else do I need to know?

A:The whole council works with you. There is alchemy. You are an alchemist. You are changing. You are changing the energies. You are channelling the changing energies. You are apprentice alchemist. You transform what is dark and lead into gold. Through words, through healing, through being.

We all work with your energy so that in your presence people are changed. In the energy of your presence people are changed. You do not need to use your mind. You do not need to speak. You can share your experiences if you like, but it is more important that you ARE. Reading is for your mind. We are much bigger than your mind. Your mind allows you to be among the people you are now, but you are so much more than this. You are energy, an energy that is right, and everyone’s energy that is right, and the minds talk them out of the energy that is right. It is good to feed the mind, to engage the mind, but it is completely separate from the body, completely separate from the energy. Know that these are 3 separate things. While they may affect each other they are 3 separate things. There is no mind/body/soul, there is only soul. Being. Energy. Let the mind entertain itself with reading and studying, let the body feel good with exercise and good health. Remember that you are energy and that we are energy working with you. We are energy using your physical body and your mental mind to create alchemical changes in other people. Don’t work so hard, don’t try so hard, just be. When you channel for mediumship, remember that you are energy and that you are connecting with energy and energy recognizes itself and all your communication will be easier. (Should I cover my head?) Covering the head brings sensation to the top of the head. Calling your attention there. Also separates the sensation of body, being in the body, with energy. Return and practice. Later you will write. Focus first on channeling healing. There is a child whose knees are healed by you. There is a woman whose knees are healed by you.

Breathe more.

... So that was it. Verbal channelling was DEFINITELY easier than automatic writing. I'll transcribe the next couple of sessions and post them soon.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Developments in Channelling

In the past week or so I've had several readings and message circles. Readings have been over the phone and in person. Even some over email. My accuracy seems to be increasing ALOT for these readings; message circles seem to be flowing really efficiently as well, even though from time to time I have someone who wants to test me. Last circle I had a woman testing me, and it turns out that she had a specific someone in mind she wanted to hear from -- and until she connected with him she didn't want to hear from other spirit people. Three others came for her! She wouldn't validate any of them -- or rather, she did validate them but dismissed more information. I never did connect her with who she wanted to hear from, and I know she was disappointed, but for the first time I understood that I had done everything the spirit people asked me to do. It's a two-way street, and no one, spirit or human, is going to continue to pursue a conversation when the other person isn't paying attention to them. I felt less "at fault" than I ever had previously. For some reason, the meditation I've been doing towards channelling really has put me in the position of a witness or just as a messenger, with no personal investment in the outcome. It's just my job to deliver the information -- whatever you do with it isn't my concern. I think I really got that at the end of my last circle.

As you know I'm concentrating during my meditation on channelling, and today I had a pretty cool experience. I've seen before what seems to be a council of spirits during some of my meditations. They were here again today. I see an older man like a monk, with his hood up; I sometimes see a crone or a female witch-like spirit; I often see a native American there; from time to time I get someone with a paddle or Masonic symbol; once I got an Mayan or Aztec holy man (feather cape and all); and frequently I have an "alchemist" there -- or that's how he announces himself.

When I say I've seen them, I mean that I get the impression of a face or person. If you've every made one of those crafts in grammar school, where you paint a piece of cardboard black and then scratch off the outlines, that's sort of what the image "looks" like. Like a negative or a face sketched in white on a black background.

Today I specifically followed a meditation I read about in a book called "Opening to Channel." I imagined a door, going through it, and requesting the presence of a guide that I would, in the next meditation, verbally channel. Just starting the meditation I became aware of the old monk at once -- I don't always see these guys in every meditation -- maybe once every couple of months, and sometimes not for a really long time. I saw the native American too. When I saw the monk today he pointed towards a bright rectangle that I took to be the door. The bright rectangle looked as if I'd looked at a window then shut my eyes -- the image of the square of light still there against the inside of my eyelids. As I passed him I saw the Alchemist step up to me and put his hands over my head.

I drew near to the door (in my imagination) and felt it rush up to me and then I felt like there was light all around me. Even with my eyes closed it seemed like the light in the room had gotten much brighter (it didn't, it's overcast today). Then I became aware of the monk again, or another one, standing in profile with his hood up.

I went around towards him and I saw someone kneel down in front of him. I took that to mean that was what I was supposed to do, so I imagined going to the front of him and kneeling down. I thought I saw him put his hand into my left breast and leave something there (I recently had a needle biopsy that showed nothing to be concerned about, but I've been feeling pain and a lump there ever since). I asked in my mind, "did you put those calcifications there?" and I seemed to see him reach in and touch me inside my breast again, and I don't know if he was taking out something or just healing or pointing something out to me. That needs more meditation.

Then it seemed that he put his hands on my head and on my shoulders, and then that he put something over my head like a veil or a hood. I felt that he turned me around and sent me back "down" -- like I was going down stairs. I asked, "are you the higher guide that I will verbally channel?" and I got silence at first, but then discovered that I was nodding!

My head was actually nodding. And then I saw some letters: ZAHAM... and I expected more to come but there was nothing else. I thought perhaps an X and then an E, but when I pushed for confirmation I got none. Zahamxe? Is that a name?

Nothing more from that, and I felt that the time in this higher realm was over for the day, so I eased myself out of my meditation. I did feel a strong message that I need to cover my head for my next meditation so I'll just put a little scarf over my head and see what develops.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Physical Feelings

I've noticed lately as I meditate with the intention of channelling, that I get a numb-ish feeling in my ears, temples and head when I being -- almost like everything is muffled or I'm under water.

Today as I sat down to begin my channelling meditation in addition to this feeling I also got a very firm pressure on the top of my head, as if someone where pushing down with the palm of their hand. The pressure kind of moves into what feels like my sinuses -- my cheeks, temples, head and ears all seem to feel an increase in pressure from within.

Maybe I'm diluting my request. I want to channel healing energy for the healing work I do. I'm a reiki master, cranio-sacral therapist, and I've thought about going to Barbara Brennan's school in Florida... but honestly I'm really understanding on a deeper level that it's not a TECHNIQUE I need to learn, but something that requires a paradigm shift.

Anyway, I'm focused on channelling healing energy. Also I'm requesting or intending a way to channel spirit people (for my Message Circles) and higher wisdom for this blog and other writings I may do in the future. Maybe these require 3 different types of guides.

One thing I've noticed, which came up for me once a few years ago, was that there is what seems to be a council around me sometimes when I meditate. Some seem like old men with hoods on their heads, occasionally there are visiting council members who are from ancient times or cultures. Mostly it seems like wise old men. Maybe that's who was pushing on the top of my head today.

Did a bit of automatic writing yesterday -- at least I think so anyway. I was asking about a healing client I've done some work on before. She was coming for a session, feeling VERY off, and I truly wanted to help her. Here's what I wrote (though I was conscious for it):


Take her point of view. Mix with her energy.

Change your energy [and her's will be changed. Give it back to her].

Gear yourself.

So I tried that, and she did feel better this morning when I saw her. She seemed to think it helped her. But I don't want these kind of vague results. I want Jesus putting mud on the blind man's eyes and his sight returning. That's the kind of experience I'm looking for. I know, I know, but Jesus told me I could do it. He said "Everything I do, you can do, and more." He also said, "Heal yourselves."

Any thoughts?