Tuesday, January 26, 2010

On January 22 I began the process of meditation with intention according to the steps I outlined last time.

I was doing my regular meditation first, which includes my visualization, prayer, gratitude, etc. -- but intending to finish with the automatic writing or channelling part towards the end. I was feeling so delicious and relaxed as I sat on my couch with the pen resting on the open pad in my lap, that I think I might have been drifting off... when it sounded like the pen dropped onto the paper. Which it couldn't have done because it was already resting on the paper.

I picked up the pen, held it over the paper and said, "okay, if you want me to start now I will." I started yawning and started feeling that funny jerking feeling again, and then the words flashed into my mind as I started writing:



"tell my brothers"

and then something else which I can't decipher... something like "...thousands like me"

I still think I'm supposed to be having a different type of experience. My understanding of trance mediumship, sometimes called trance channelling or automatic writing if it involves pen and paper, is that the medium is unaware of what words are coming in and then being expressed, either verbally or through the pen.

The last two times I did this I felt the words pop into my mind first, or simultaneously with the writing. Are the guides just warming me up?

One of my teachers told me about a time he went to a seance, and the medium did a brief meditation at the beginning, and then held them all spellbound as he talked about the spirit world. When he was done, he suddenly started apologizing to all the sitters present because he'd fallen asleep instead of conducting their seance. And the sitters were flabbergasted that he would even say such a thing since he'd been talking to them for over an hour.

Those tales of automatic writers using both hands...

Something tells me I'm not quite there yet. I'm an impatient learner though!

Since that session I've done several readings and Message Circles, and while I'm certain the ease of conducting those has greatly increased, it's still my intention to trance-channel healing when I'm doing healing work; to trance-channel spirit messages when I'm conducting a seance, and to trance-channel messages through automatic writing when I'm alone and/or blogging.

Got that guides?

Yesterday I sat again to practice, in the same position with the pen on the pad in my lap. During the meditation I felt as if something lightly pushed my hand across the pad to pick up the pen. After that I was very aware of holding the pen, and just focused on praying myself out of the way.

Here's what I wrote:

"I don't want to be among..."


"Let me know..."

then something also illegible. Though I didn't really see or become aware of the words till I was finished writing each meaningless phrase, I felt more guidance this time. Like I was allowed to listen in on a couple of snatches of conversation.

For the past couple of days I've been yawning a lot, which someone told me a long time ago is the presence of energy-shifting spirits. Maybe they're widening my mouth so they can squeeze in and talk for me.

My friend also said I'd been whistling all day, the same tune. I wasn't aware of it, but he noticed it because he said I never whistle. Do I? I have no idea...

Today, 1/26/2010 I tried again around 2PM. Very wonderful deep trance but when I asked my guides to give me a sign, some sort of signal that I could FEEL, so that I would know the process was about to begin, the phone rang. I'd forgotten to silence it.

And that was that.

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